Lee Jae Soo
-Dept. Of Fine Arts, Graduate School of Hannam University (Master of Fine Arts-1996).
Personal Exhibition
-9th_2020(Taeanmunhwa, Paper Magazine)
-8th-2018(Chung-Nam, Koera)
-7th-2010(Chung-Nam, Koera)
-6th-2008(Chung-Nam, Korea)
-5th-2007(Chung-Nam, Korea)
-4th-1999(Seoul, Korea)
-3rd-1998(Daejeon, Korea)
-2nd-1996(Seoul, Korea)
-1st-1995(Seoul, Korea)
-Active Member of Korea Fine Art Association (Corporation).
-Delegate of Gyeryong Culture Community(Corporation).
-Adjunct Professor of Univ. Hannam.
-E-mail : artmine(at)hanmail.net ․Phone : 82-42-841-3465. S.P : 82-10-4414-6982
충남 태안 출생(1967)
한남대학교 겸임교수
개인전 9회(서울, 대전, 충남)
국내외 단체기획전 다수
개인전 카다로그(표지)
☞Webpage: merz.pe.kr
☞Email: artmine(at)hanmail.net
☞Phone: 82+10+4414+6982